Watching the movie The Cowboys with my husband and the Lord gave me several lessons just one from one small scene. For those of you who don't know this movie, it's a John Wayne movie where he leads a dozen or so (I think) small boys into a cattle drive, a rough cattle drive, because he has no adult men to work with him. In this scene he (John Wayne) is in a one room schoolhouse explaining to the boys that this is going to be hard, they will be fed, get little rest, and work hard. It will be tough, very tough, but there will be a great reward at the end. He tells them to meet him at 5 am to get started on this tough journey.
One boy, the smallest of the bunch, raises his hand and asks "sir, all of us?". John Wayne calls him up to the front, has him stand in front of a chalkboard, and draws a line just above his head. Then JW says "anyone as tall as this line". The boy is crushed because he is not that tall. JW leaves the room and two of the older boys go up front and lower the chalkboard so the line is right at the boy's head. The smaller boy smiles hugely.
I said to my husband, "all kids, of all generations, always in such a hurry to grow up thinking that being an adult is so much better". I walked into the other room and immediately I saw the lessons in this.
1. When we follow the Lord our journey is hard but we are fed, we get little rest, and there is a great reward at the end!
2. The best way to begin our journey each day is to meet Him early.
3. We are small children, always in hurry to grow up.
4. If we are surrounded by fellow believers, more mature than us, they will encourage and protect us.
5. And lastly, as children, we need to remember that we look at things and think they are better, or easier, or more fun, but God, and only God, knows what is best for us and what will harm us. We need to be careful to stay under His protection and remember that when we err, and we will, and He disciplines us, it's because He loves us. He is protecting us from harm.
It is absolutely amazing to me, every day, how the Lord puts these picture images, these lessons, into my head in the blink of an eye. I love Him so much!
My prayer for you today:
My gracious heavenly Father, my Daddy, my Leader, I love the way you speak directly to my heart and my mind. Thank you for always speaking and teaching and guiding. Lord, I lift up everyone who is reading these words today and I pray, Father, that they read these words and understand how you love us and are always watching out for our best. You are our Protector and Provider. You are not a cruel taskmaster but you walk us through the battles. You are honest and let us know that this journey is not easy, but You are always there. You teach us your ways so that we will grow and trust in You. I thank you for loving us so much. I thank you that you put us in places where we have other believers around us to help us and support us, but You are our ultimate protection and provision. I pray Father, for everyone reading this that they grow in you each day, that they love you more each day, and that they hear your voice, and learn your lesson, each day. I love you, daddy. Thank you for your ultimate teacher, guide, and sacrifice, your son, Jesus. It is in his precious name, and because of Him, that I am able to come to you and lift up others. Thank you father, thank you Jesus! Amen.
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